Feast of Emerald Sea JEJU SHINEVILLE

Jeju Olle

Jeju Olle, which is a representative walking path for hikers in Korea, is built in UNESCO-designated World Heritage Site, Jeju Island. Walking along the path provides beautiful scenery of sea, volcanic cone, basalt walls and wild flowers blooming along the roads.

Jeju volcanic cone

Jeju volcanic cone is a kind of dormant volcano that looks like a small mountain or a hill formed through eruption of volcano. There are around 360 volcanic cones in Jeju Island.

Halla Mountain

Halla Mountain (1,950m) is the highest peak in South Korea on Jeju Island. It is famous for its azalea flowers in spring, green leaves in summer, autumn leaves in autumn, and snow flakes in winter. At the summit of Mt. Halla, there is Baekroddam (crater lake). Mt. Halla was designated as national park, and UNESCO World Heritage Site.